Author: Alonna Carter

Renaissance Rising

Renaissance is rising… Renaissance Writing, LLC, that is! We started in 2016 with one real goal: to provide affordable writing and editing services to a diverse pool of clients.  We’ve done that and more, and along...

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And We’re Back!

We’re back after a long hiatus. Well…I should say I’m back as Renaissance Writing, LLC has been here the whole time. So, what have I been up to since I apparently haven’t been publishing blogs or podcasts (but there are two new ones out…so check them out)? Well, a lot! I have been doing a […]

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We Have A Podcast!

The title says it all: we now have a podcast! I have always toyed around with the idea of doing a podcast to give followers of the website and Facebook pages, another option of obtaining tips. I even started doing weekly videos that I posted to the Facebook page where I shared tips and tricks […]

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Establishing Digital Presence

In this day and age, entrepreneurship seems to be the name of the game.  People are finding more and more ways to make money on their own terms and on their own schedules (heck, I’m doing it, too).  With so many new businesses and ideas, it is important that one knows how to establish a […]

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