Month: December 2016

How to Make Your Presentation…Presentable

So, your boss has asked you to put together a Power Point presentation and a speech for a project you’ve been working on. You begin to panic. The last time you even looked at a Power Point was in college, and even then you were half-asleep. Also, you hate speaking in front of people!  This presentation is […]

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My favorite books and authors

While I went to school for professional writing, creative writing has always interested me and been at the forefront of what I create. I really enjoy books that take my mind on a physical journey to far away places.If you are a creative writer, chances are you have a list of books and authors that […]

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Practice Makes Perfect

Practice makes perfect. We’ve heard that phrase from the time we were children. It was imparted to is by our parents and schoolteachers, printed in our textbooks and on worksheets, and followed us to adulthood.  Whether or not you liked it as a kid, you later realized that there was truth in the statement–that no skill […]

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What’s Your Story?

If you have followed any of the articles that I’ve written for the Soul Pitt Quarterly, then you’ll know that I LOVE HISTORY. It was my minor is college and has always been  #3 on the list of things that I have enjoyed since I was a kid.  I owe much of this adoration to […]

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Readying The Mind to Write

How do you begin writing? Do you just sit down and get to it or does it take you a while? Writing, as we know, is a process. Whether you jot all your ideas in a notebook or begin writing lines on your laptop, your mind must go through a process to develop your ideas. […]

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