I had the privelege of attending a manuscript workshop today, which was hosted by a friend.  It was a wonderful experience; I got to meet many women who were beginning their very first book- writing journey and each of them had a different story to tell.

I was also pleased that I was able to speak to them about my experiences as both a writer and editor. One of the topics we discussed at length was what to do when creativity strikes.

Writing is a process, and everyone has a different one. While some people are able to sit down and begin writing just out of ideas flowing out of their heads, others may need more time and preparation to begin the process. No matter what your process is, it is always good to keep a small notebook or use the notepad on your phone to jot ideas down…when creativity strikes.

It is also good to not let ideas sit for too long in those places. I know that if I have a topic I want to write about and I don’t begin immediately, chances are a week from now I won’t remember where I was trying to go. I know some people like to wait until their idea or topic is completely planned out, but I, on the other hand, prefer to tackle the idea and edit later :).

Regardless of your process or practice, getting the idea down on paper is essential to see it grow and come to fruition. No ideas are bad ideas; each is as different and unique as we are and are not meant to be kept inside our heads. Share your creativity with the world and write!