Author: Alonna Carter

How I Became a Writer

I often get asked why and how I became a writer.  Here is a glimpse into my journey. To be completely honest, writing was not the first thing I was enamored with in life, yet it was something that I never could seem to stop doing.  I was heavily into the arts (music, dance, and […]

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Following Your Passion

Following your passion, comes with being versatile and taking strides in different directions. If you follow my website or blog, you’ll notice that I have been absent for a while. I was knee deep in an article about black girls and physical health.  It was a project that I was passionate about which was published […]

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Language! Who Are You Speaking To?

How do you communicate? What is your language style? Are you a “hand-talker”? Do you use idioms or expressions? Or, do you just speak plainly? There are many different ways that people talk and write. However, it is always important to tailor your communications and presentations to your audience. No matter what line of work […]

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Resolving to be Resolute In 2017

Happy 2017, all! I hope that all of my readers, browsers, and fellow writers, had a wonderful holiday season. I very much enjoyed mine and am very excited to see what wonderful things this new year brings! Over my holiday, I was very happy to enjoy some time with friends that I haven’t seen in […]

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