One of the most challenging processes, after completing a book or document, is having someone else look at it. We are often our own worst critics, and sometimes putting your work out there to be scrutinized by someone else, can be nerve wracking! Being that your work is a precious part of yourself with highly attached emotions, it is important that you understand your editor.

Since I am an independent contractor, I have more time to sit down with my clients and get a feel for what they are seeking. We will talk about their work in detail and I will do a quick scan through to see if anything jumps out at me. We will then agree on the course of action I’ll take ( content editing, revision, proofreading, etc). After this,  I draft a contract for the services, they agree and sign, and the work begins.

When an editor looks at your work, it is their job to scrutinize all the details. They are looking not only at grammatical mistakes but at the quality of the work. Does it flow? What can we add here? Take away? Each mark is the editors appreciation of what you are trying to accomplish. Essentially, they are trying to assist you in creating the best work you can offer.

I get it: seeing red marks all over your piece is not always a happy sight, but the beauty is that you don’t have to accept all the changes. At the end of the day, it is the writer’s choice of what they want their body of work to look like. In fact, if you’ve ever looked at the editing feature in Google Docs, you will see that it calls edits “suggestions.” Also, if you don’t agree with your editor, talk to them. We usually have a pretty good reason of why we made a change, and are happy to explain it.

In short, understanding your editor and communicating with them, is the key to a successful and smooth business relationship. We know a thing or two, so trust us. Remember: we are only trying to help you create a masterpiece!


Happy Writing!