Tag: writing

And We’re Back!

We’re back after a long hiatus. Well…I should say I’m back as Renaissance Writing, LLC has been here the whole time. So, what have I been up to since I apparently haven’t been publishing blogs or podcasts (but there are two new ones out…so check them out)? Well, a lot! I have been doing a […]

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Guides to Love: A Short List

I recently attended a manuscript workshop that was hosted by a friend.  She had recently written a book (I edited it) and wanted to help others get started on their passion project. Of the many questions that I was asked as an editor, one stood out: which guides do I use when I’m writing and […]

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Following Your Passion

Following your passion, comes with being versatile and taking strides in different directions. If you follow my website or blog, you’ll notice that I have been absent for a while. I was knee deep in an article about black girls and physical health.  It was a project that I was passionate about which was published […]

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Resolving to be Resolute In 2017

Happy 2017, all! I hope that all of my readers, browsers, and fellow writers, had a wonderful holiday season. I very much enjoyed mine and am very excited to see what wonderful things this new year brings! Over my holiday, I was very happy to enjoy some time with friends that I haven’t seen in […]

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My favorite books and authors

While I went to school for professional writing, creative writing has always interested me and been at the forefront of what I create. I really enjoy books that take my mind on a physical journey to far away places.If you are a creative writer, chances are you have a list of books and authors that […]

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What’s Your Story?

If you have followed any of the articles that I’ve written for the Soul Pitt Quarterly, then you’ll know that I LOVE HISTORY. It was my minor is college and has always been  #3 on the list of things that I have enjoyed since I was a kid.  I owe much of this adoration to […]

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Readying The Mind to Write

How do you begin writing? Do you just sit down and get to it or does it take you a while? Writing, as we know, is a process. Whether you jot all your ideas in a notebook or begin writing lines on your laptop, your mind must go through a process to develop your ideas. […]

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Writing Tip: Proper Salutations

A salutation is always a great thing to include in an email. Salutations set the tone, which is important when there is a critical message to convey. Try a “Good Morning” or “Hello”. Perception, even in writing, is always key! Things to avoid: “Hey!” “What’s up?” “Dear Sir, or Ma’am” “To Whom It May Concern,” […]

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